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Image Upload with Node and Multer

Sat, Dec 3, 2016

This tutorial provides an end to end walkthrough of uploading images in Node with Multer.

To make things simple I am providing an app-template and complete code. Feel free to use the template or an app that you are working on.


Complete Code

I am using Multer 1.2.0 and Node 6.4.0.

  1. Install Multer, Mime, and Cryto and save to dependencies.
  2.  `npm install -S multer`
     `npm install -S mime`
     `npm install -S crypto`
  3. Require depencies in route `index.js`
  4. var express = require('express'),
        router = express.Router(),
        mime = require('mime'),
        multer = require('multer');
  5. Create a form in `index.ejs`
  6. <form action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
    Select an image to upload:
    <input name="image" type="file" />
    <input type="submit" value="Upload Image" />
    The form `enctype` must be `multipart/form-data`, which is the encoding used for forms that upload files. The `enctype` specifies how the form-data is encoded when it is submitted to a server. When submitted, the form will send a POST request to our upload route. We will construct the route in a later step.
  7. Before we can write our upload route, we need to configure Multer's storage. Multer ships with two different storage engines, `DiskStorage` and `MemoryStorage`. I will be using `DiskStorage` which gives you full control over storing files to disk.
  8. Create a folder called `uploads` in `public`. In `index.js` underneath your require statements, write the following.
    var storage = multer.diskStorage({
      destination: function(req, file, cb) {
          cb(null, 'public/uploads/')
      filename: function(req, file, cb) {
          crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16, function(err, raw) {
              cb(null, raw.toString('hex') + + '.' + mime.extension(file.mimetype));
    var upload = multer({
      storage: storage
    The two options for `DiskStorage`, `destination` and `filename`, are functions that determine where the file should be stored. As their name's suggest, destination determines the upload location and filename determines the filename. Multer does not provide a file extension for the upload, so the filename function must return a filename with an extension. Filename uses `Crypto` to generate a random name and uses `Mime` to determine the correct file extension. Generating a random filename prevents collisions if two files are uploaded with the same name. While not required, this is good practice. `upload` will be called to upload an image.
  9. Write upload route
  10. // POST Upload Image'/upload', upload.single("image"), function(req, res) {
      res.send('<img src="/uploads/' + req.file.filename + '" />');
    This route first uses Multer to upload the image and then sends a response to the client that includes the image, now hosted on the server. You should be all set, but if there are any issues please comment.



Multer Issue: Files are uploading as ‘file without its extension